Unsubscription API - Glitch

This API will enable deactivate of a user by the access code.

Using this API will allow clipfeed to:
- check the access code exist against user
- deactivate the user immediately without days
- deactivate user in next days by passing days value

POST api/un-sub?code=12345&days=number


Input Type Description
code string Encrypted/ Unencrypted Access Code
days int If you want to deactivate user in next days then pass this value
API Key string Key


Input Type Description
success true The response of this API will be ‘success’ = ‘true’.
invalid code false The response of this API will be invalid access-code

XF-Api-Key: {Key}

code: {value}
days: {number}

Real CURL GET example:
curl --location --request POST 'https://your_site/api/un-sub?code=12345&days=1' \
--header 'XF-API-KEY:{KEY}'